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Romantic Love vs. Companionship Love

We all know that feeling at the start of a new relationship - the sky is blue, the birds tweet and you make all those exciting plans for the future together.

The movies, songs, poems (and your own conceptual mind) will have you believe this feeling is going to last forever and every time to you see that person you’ll feel this way.

But sadly, like every high, it doesn’t last forever and, as the honeymoon period fades and you’re wide awake at 3am staring at your partners gaping mouth as they blast another reverberating snore into your ear, you may start to question whether this is what you signed up for.

How these challenges are dealt with are crucial to building COMPANIONSHIP love - a potent concoction of trust, affection, communication and appreciation that has the potential to grow over a lifetime.

If you’re patient enough and keep working through any challenges together and talk about your feelings well, it’s likely you’ll be rewarded with a deeper sense of love no Disney film or Taylor Swift song can portray.