The Secret To Freedom From Unhappiness
The first step to becoming content and at peace is to address any unhappiness which is already in you. To face what is both externally and internally.
And when doing so, not to create further mind made stories around it. For example, if you are unhappy at this moment do not say “I am unhappy”, instead say “There is unhappiness in me” and investigate it. Your unhappiness has nothing to do with who you are. It exists inside of you but is never a part of you. It may be due to a situation you find yourself in. Action may be required to change the situation or remove yourself from it. If there is nothing you can do, surrender to that and say “Well, right now, this is how it is. I can either accept it or make myself miserable.”
Secondly, recognise that the primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Become aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Seperate them from the situation, which is always neutral, which always is as it is. For example, “I am ruined” is a story. It limits you and prevents you from taking effective action to change the situation. “I have 50p left in my bank account” is a fact and facing facts is always empowering.
It’s the over-activity of the mind that covers up our natural state of wellbeing which is the true source of happiness. Becoming aware of your thoughts and separating yourself from them breaks the mental-emotional mind pattern and creates space allowing thoughts and emotions to come and go.
Also, do not seek happiness as seeking is the antithesis of happiness. To seek requires future and therefore identification with the conceptual mind. I.e. the ego. The most common delusion of the modern man/woman is the notion that happiness exists in the future somewhere. “I will be happy when...” is a story made up to prevent you from being totally present in this moment and allowing peace and joy, which are intrinsic with your true nature, to emerge from deep within you.